7 steps to your new dream job
Thank you for registering with HiddenCandidates! Continue here in 7 steps to your new dream job:
Step 1: Start
Please take enough time to complete your profile. All registered companies can then get in touch with you.
Experience has shown that you will need around 14 days to finalise your personal presentation.
Shine with quality, not quantity!
Step 2: Data entry
Please make sure that you complete the “Profession”, “Industry” and “Desired place of work” sections in your profile; this will help companies to find you particularly quickly.
In the “Profession” section, you have the option of entering several designations, such as: Managing Director, Financial Accountant, Project Manager, … You should also pay particular attention to your values.
The profile you create will initially remain anonymous to the companies. If you receive an invitation from a company, you can accept it and only then will your data be released.
Step 3: Select a coach
You will find the names and profiles of the coaches in the selection. It is possible to have a free introductory meeting with our certified coaches, which we highly recommend. Our concept consists of a combination of digital and face-to-face content, which makes for a speedy mediation. Choose a day and time when you are most available and the coach will then coordinate the appointment with you. The alternative coach will be chosen if their colleague is busy. This way, no valuable time is lost.
Step 4: Videos
We highly recommend that you create a video in which you can integrate the valuable tips from your coach. Compatibility list Technical tips A video pitch, which we call a V90, gives your potential future employer a good first impression of you within 90 seconds.
Optionally, you can record a V360. Here you are asked 6 questions, which you answer in a 6-minute (360-second), time-shifted video interview.
Here, too, the interested company can only view the video once you have authorised your data.
Step 5: Request a coach reference
So that the interested company can assess you even better, you can request a reference from the coach. This will be created based on your data, the introductory meeting with the coach and the video.
This is subject to a fee, but is not obligatory.
Step 6: Wait – release your data
Almost done! Now it’s time to sit back and wait – until you are found!
You then decide whether you want to disclose your data now.
Step 7: Contacting a company
If a company shows interest in you, this will be displayed in the dashboard. We will also send you this information by e-mail so that you don’t miss anything.
We wish you every success with HiddenCandidates and the new challenge for your new phase of life. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail or telephone during office hours.
Kind regards
André Beier from HiddenCandidates