Introducing the coaches

Your chosen coach will be with you from the start.

It’s all digital, but we still take you personally.  
The better you know your needs and values, the more authentically you will be able to present yourself. And you have a better chance of being contacted by employers who match your values.  

Who am I?

What do I want?

How do I present myself?

A coach will help you get started

We co-operate with independent coaches who have been working in the private sector for many years. 
You choose your preferred coach via HiddenCandidates, the candidate portal for specialists and managers. In an initial free telephone call or online meeting, you will get to know each other and discover your hidden resources. You can also take advantage of additional paid coaching services, e.g. the preparation of a reference.
Coaching is optional and can be booked and utilised if you wish 

  Presentation of the coaches

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